Sep 30, 2021
We’ve all heard of others having miraculous experiences of spontaneous healing, how is this possible? In many of these situations, medical experts are baffled at how this occurs.
So do we have the ability to heal ourselves? Is that Science Fiction or is it Science-based?
In this episode, Dr. Christine Schaffner is...
Sep 23, 2021
Emotion plays a role in everything we do, whether we are aware of that emotion or not. Sometimes we underestimate exactly how past trauma impacts our emotions.
Research shows that what your brain produces depends in part on your thoughts, feelings, and expectations. If you're sick, but you have a positive mindset,...
Sep 16, 2021
With over 100 varying conditions, Autoimmune Diseases have reached epidemic levels. Many are related to your food and gut biome (which makes up almost 80% of your immune system).
It’s easy to see that in today’s world, “modern medicine” is focused on symptom relief.
For many patients, their doctor-patient...
Sep 9, 2021
Our bodies have a natural, built-in ability to heal themselves.
Every cell in the human body works tirelessly to keep us at a natural healthy balance. And these cells have the ability to heal or replace themselves, all to keep our bodies functioning at optimal levels.
To create good health, from the inside out, we must...
Sep 2, 2021
In this Spectrum of Health Podcast episode, Dr. Schaffner talks with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., about the role of nutritional deficiencies and toxic chemicals in disease and what you can do to protect your health, your family, and the planet.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. She holds a B.S....