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The Spectrum of Health with Dr. Christine Schaffner

Apr 22, 2020

Dr. Schaffner speaks with Dr. Francesca McCartney, the founder of the Academy of Intuition Medicine. She explains just what intuition medicine is and how people are trained through her academy. For more information, visit

For more from Dr. Schaffner, visit

Apr 10, 2020

For over two decades, Keith Morey has researched innovative ways to combat the underlying cause of illness. Today, he talks in-depth on the topic of the liver and gallbladder cleanses. Make sure you check out the Group Liver Flush at the Sophia Health Institute:

Apr 3, 2020

Dr. Schaffner speaks with Dr. Terry Wahls (University of Iowa) about the Wahls Protocol and the paperback release of her book, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles.

For more on Dr. Wahls, visit

For more Dr. Schaffner (including...