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The Spectrum of Health with Dr. Christine Schaffner

Jul 28, 2022

Dr. Christine will be returning from her vacation next week - so we are highlighting one final episode of Dr. Christine’s favorite interviews!

Today’s conversation is with Zachary Feder, a frequent guest on the podcast. In this episode, Dr. Christine Schaffner discusses how studying ancient history might help people...

Jul 21, 2022

Dr. Christine is still on vacation - she will be returning very soon! So this week, we are highlighting another of Dr. Christine’s favorite interviews!

Today’s conversation is with Evan Brand. In this episode, Evan Brand and Dr. Christine Schaffner discuss mold and its effects on our health. He shares his health...

Jul 14, 2022

This week, we are highlighting Dr. Christine’s favorite interviews while she is on vacation!  Today is another GOOD one! In this episode, Dr. Christine Schaffner sits with Hilary Faye to discuss energy-sensitivity behaviors and to engage with your body. Also, Hilary leads us in beautiful yoga meditation.

Listen in to...

Jul 7, 2022

As we mentioned previously, Dr. Christine is on vacation for the rest of July, and we are sharing one of her favorite interviews. In today's episode, Dr. Christine Schaffner sits down with Harry Massey to discuss all things bioenergy. Harry shares about his own health journey and how that inspired him to study...